Monday, August 9, 2010

Which would be easier to use for someone who hasn't had much experience with computers? Mac or

I know someone who hasn't really used a computer for very long and she needs a new computer. Should she get a Mac, which to me seems less complicated than Windows, or should she get Windows Vista?

Which would be easier to use for someone who hasn't had much experience with computers? Mac or Vista?computer

Vista without a doubt or even XP, they are both extremely easy to grasp.

Im not knocking MACS quite the contrary, but when things go wrong things do tend to get a little complex.

A MAC is just as capable of going wrong as a PC so dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

Hope this helps.

Which would be easier to use for someone who hasn't had much experience with computers? Mac or Vista?free spyware

I would definately recommend Vista. I think Vista is a drop in performance and at this stage, compatibility from xP but the main change Microsoft has made was the user interface. It is now more modern and more accesible, and has tutorials and help pop-ups everywhere. Even if you haven't got a clue what to do in front of a desktop, if your English is half-decent Vista will teach you.
The best answer is that Vista is at the stage of development that Mac was at about 10 years ago. Go for Mac - the computer does all the work, and is very easy to pick up as you go along. PCs are for geeks, Macs are for people. And the new Macs can run Window's programs anyway. So the best of all worlds is a Mac.
Mac is OK but never buy a microsoft product

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