Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can cats pass colds or Viruses amongst each other?

I posted earlier about one of my cats possibly having a cold, but the other one isn't having any symptoms is it possible that they will keep passing it back and forth to each other?

Can cats pass colds or Viruses amongst each other?free adware remover

Well , yes and no. Viruses can pass between members of their own species, but usually once you have one virus run its course, then you are immune to that virus-you don't catch it a second time. Cats can get herpesvirus infections that flare up in times of stress, symptoms are like a cold. This year is very very bad for allergies here in the Midwest and that can cause cold-like symptoms that recur too.

It's not likely that you'll give your cat a cold, or they will give you one, because it's rare for a virus to be able to affect more than one species.

Can cats pass colds or Viruses amongst each other?internet security 2006

Yes. Just like humans.
cats can pass colds to eachother and certain viruses. be careful and make sure they dont fight or fight other cats because my cat recently died because of a virus similar to aids, but for cats.
Cats can pass on sickness to humans and among each other just like human beings
yea sure cats can transfer sickness to each others, but rarely to humen beings, try to keep your sick cat away from other cats till she is cured, but if you are not certain that is really cold, then you have to permenatly keep her away, read about feline leukemia viruses which is very contagious and unrecoverable and may lead to death.

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