Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can i clean my computer from irxjett.exe and jqjdsal.exe viruses?

i have two virus

first jqjdsal.exe as gxacqdv

seconed irxjett.exe as cyvvfew

Note: ican't install any untivirus

How can i clean my computer from irxjett.exe and jqjdsal.exe viruses?free spyware remobal

One of the first things to do when you suspect malware is DISABLE System Restore.

If enabled, this allows malware to hide in the computer and re-install itself.

So, to disable it, RIGHT-click on ''My Computer.'' Select ''Properties'' then under the 'System Restore' tab, check 'Turn off system restore' IF not already checked.

The next most helpful things that would help you are to use ONLINE scanners from websites to remove any malware on your PC.

The current best online scanners I prefer are from Kaspersky antivirus and Bitdefender antivirus. Together, these 2 scanners will find ALL the bad stuff on your PC because they have the BEST detection rate.

First, use Kaspersky's. (FYI: ALL these scans require you to agree to a EULA and install an activex control which is needed to perform the scan, so agree to them all.)

*NOTE: Some scanners ONLY work with IE or may not fully remove malware (KAV)

Then scan with:

There are MANY other good online scanners which you may choose to also use (which will take longer but ensure safety):

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