Monday, August 9, 2010

Is there any way of drasticaly speeding up Windows Vista's performance, without having to spend

It's quite slow for me.

Is there any way of drasticaly speeding up Windows Vista's performance, without having to spend any money?ducati

I'm not sure what you mean by performance. It all depends on what your are trying to do. If you are using software, once you get booted up, you should have no problems.

Vista originally told all manufacturers Vista would require 512 MB RAM to run. Manufacturers built systems for the original specification. Over time Manufacturers were fielding complaints and began adding more RAM and found 1 GB really helps and 2 pretty much keeps you out of trouble.

MS is still having problems with backwards capability of software and drivers as well as it's security and functionality of its systems. Most of the problems were suppose to be addressed in a new service pack that MS is suppose to push out early next quarter.

That said, in performance testing between XP and Vista, with the beta version of its service pack, a few weeks ago, XP beat Vista in virtually every category hands down. One of the findings was that Vista was slower than crap and was a memory hog. MS was freaked out when these findings were announced because they were working at their own pace and to their own priorities and for the first time, someone had actually performed a test and was holding their feet to the fire and reviewing their software to their press releases and promises.

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